Glossary Tips

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What is a hypthesis?


A hypothesis is an explanation that accounts for what you have observed. For example, if I note that there are holes in my cereal boxes, and I further see trails of cereal crumbs leading to a hole in the baseboard of my house, I might hypothesize that I have at least one mouse in my house. I am not stating for a fact that I have mice (perhaps it's a different animal, or a series of odd coincidences) but I am saying that odds are, it's a mouse. If further investation reveals new data - perhaps I notice that the holes are quite large, and that the trail of crumbs didn't actually go all the way to the baseboard, I might revise my original hypothesis. I might surmise that it isn't a mouse at all, but my dog. Hypotheses are working explanations that can be revised to explain new data, and are typically abandoned when they no longer seem to explain the data very well.

What is the scientific method?

Scientific Method

The scientific method refers to the system by which scientists organize their knowledge about their subject. First they gather data, including any measurements, observations, results of experiments, etc. Then they form a logical, reasonable hypothesis to explain what they have found. That means scientists are required to have reasons for what they believe, not emotions or gut feelings. The scientific method is an important tool for researchers, but is also useful for solving problems in our everyday lives as well!

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Sheri Ann Richerson